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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.atheism:40527 alt.atheism.moderated:468 news.answers:4655
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!news.bbn.com!olivea!uunet!pipex!ibmpcug!mantis!mathew
- From: mathew@mantis.co.uk (mathew)
- Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.atheism.moderated,news.answers
- Subject: Alt.Atheism FAQ: Introduction for New Readers
- Summary: Hi. Please read this before you post.
- Keywords: FAQ, atheism
- Message-ID: <19921216111252@mantis.co.uk>
- Date: 16 Dec 92 11:12:52 GMT
- Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 1993 11:12:52 GMT
- Followup-To: alt.atheism
- Organization: Mantis Consultants, Cambridge. UK.
- Lines: 129
- Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
- Supersedes: <19921216111206@mantis.co.uk>
- Archive-name: atheism/overview
- Alt-atheism-archive-name: overview
- Last-modified: 11 December 1992
- Version: 1.0
- Introduction
- Welcome to alt.atheism and alt.atheism.moderated.
- This is the first in a series of regular postings aimed at new readers of the
- newsgroups.
- Many groups of a 'controversial' nature have noticed that new readers often
- come up with the same questions, mis-statements or misconceptions and post
- them to the net. In addition, people often request information which has
- been posted time and time again. In order to try and cut down on this, the
- alt.atheism groups have a series of five regular postings under the following
- titles:
- 1. Alt.Atheism FAQ: Introduction for New Readers
- 2. Alt.Atheism FAQ: Introduction to Atheism
- 3. Alt.Atheism FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- 4. Alt.Atheism FAQ: Constructing a Logical Argument
- 5. Alt.Atheism FAQ: Atheist Resources
- This is article number 1. Please read numbers 2 and 3 before posting. The
- others are entirely optional.
- If you are new to Usenet, you may also find it helpful to read the newsgroup
- news.announce.newusers. The articles titled "A Primer on How to Work With
- the Usenet Community", "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet"
- and "Hints on writing style for Usenet" are particularly relevant. Questions
- concerning how news works are best asked in news.newusers.questions.
- If you are unable to find any of the articles listed above, see the "Finding
- Stuff" section below.
- Credits
- These files could not have been written without the assistance of the many
- readers of alt.atheism and alt.atheism.moderated. In particular, I'd like to
- thank the following people:
- kck+@cs.cmu.edu (Karl Kluge)
- perry@apollo.hp.com (Jim Perry)
- NETOPRWA@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu (Wayne Aiken)
- chpetk@gdr.bath.ac.uk (Toby Kelsey)
- jkp@cs.HUT.FI (Jyrki Kuoppala)
- geoff@tyger.Eng.Sun.COM (Geoff Arnold)
- torkel@sics.se (Torkel Franzen)
- kmldorf@utdallas.edu (George Kimeldorf)
- roe2@quads.uchicago.edu (Greg Roelofs)
- arromdee@jyusenkyou.cs.jhu.edu (Ken Arromdee)
- madhaus@netcom.com (Maddi Hausmann)
- J5J@psuvm.psu.edu (John A. Johnson)
- dgraham@bmers30.bnr.ca (Douglas Graham)
- mayne@open.cs.fsu.edu (William Mayne)
- ajr@bigbird.hri.com (Andy Rosen)
- stoesser@ira.uka.de (Achim Stoesser)
- bosullvn@unix1.tcd.ie (Bryan O'Sullivan)
- lippard@ccit.arizona.edu (James J. Lippard)
- s1b3832@rigel.tamu.edu (S. Baum)
- ydobyns@phoenix.princeton.edu (York H. Dobyns)
- schroede@sdsc.edu (Wayne Schroeder)
- baldwin@csservera.usna.navy.mil (J.D. Baldwin)
- ...and countless others I've forgotten.
- These articles are free. Truly free. You may copy them and distribute them
- to anyone you wish. However, please send any changes or corrections to the
- author, and please do not re-post copies of the articles to alt.atheism; it
- does nobody any good to have multiple versions of the same document floating
- around the network.
- Finding Stuff
- All of the FAQ files *should* be somewhere on your news system. Here are
- some suggestions on what to do if you can't find them:
- 1. Check the newsgroup alt.atheism. Look for subject lines starting with
- "Alt.Atheism FAQ:".
- 2. Check the newsgroup news.answers for the same subject lines.
- If you don't find anything in steps 1 or 2, your news system isn't set up
- correctly, and you may wish to tell your system administrator about the
- problem.
- 3. If you have anonymous FTP access, connect to rtfm.mit.edu [].
- Go to the directory /pub/usenet/alt.atheism, and you'll find the latest
- versions of the FAQ files there.
- FTP is a a way of copying files between networked computers. If you
- need help in using or getting started with FTP, send e-mail to
- mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with
- send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq
- in the body.
- 4. There are other sites which also carry news.answers postings. The article
- "Introduction to the news.answers newsgroup" carries a list of these
- sites; the article is posted regularly to news.answers.
- 5. If you don't have FTP, send mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- consisting of the following lines:
- send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources
- send usenet/alt.atheism/faq
- send usenet/alt.atheism/introduction
- send usenet/alt.atheism/logic
- send usenet/alt.atheism/resources
- 5. (Penultimate resort) Send mail to info-server@mantis.co.uk consisting of
- the following lines:
- send atheism/faq/faq.txt
- send atheism/faq/logic.txt
- send atheism/faq/intro.txt
- send atheism/faq/resource.txt
- and our poor overworked modems will try and send you a copy of the files.
- There's other stuff, too; interesting commands to try are "help" and
- "send atheism/index".
- mathew